All You Need to Know About Your Car Batteries

Are you bugged with starting problems of your car? Is it becoming a routine headache whenever you are planning to drive? Then you should be aware of its cause and effect. We all love our car, but very little do we know about its parts and functionalities. Isn’t it?

Therefore, it is very crucial that you know your car and its parts well so that whenever there are any hitches, it can be detected and proper remedy can be implemented. Among some of the major parts of your car, battery is one of the very critical. It is the power house of the car. It supplies the electrical power to all the parts which are needs to function for the proper movement of the vehicle.

Various issues can erupt due to the battery. If the battery is too old, then it wouldn’t supply the power and hence the vehicle won’t start. Moreover, the harsh winters in Brisbane also affect the life of the battery because they discharge very fast at it takes longer time to generate power. So this is one of the reasons why your battery life could be affected. There are situations when the battery would drain out due to excessive usage of the same when the car is not running for a long time.

The motive of this article is to provide you some key information and knowledge about the battery of your dear machine.

Car Batteries

Functions of the Car Battery:

The battery of your car is responsible for power supply to all the electrical parts and start the vehicle with a jolt. It is also important for maintaining the constant supply of power to the engine when the car is running for a long time.

How exactly does a car battery work?

If you notice very carefully, you will find that your car won’t start without the battery. Therefore, now you can appreciate its importance right!

Let’s see how the Little Box works so powerfully:

  • Your car is put on action due to a chemical reaction: The battery transforms chemical energy into electrical energy and provides the power to your car by giving voltage to the starter.
  • Keep the electric current steady: Apart from power supply for starting the car, the battery works as a stabilizer by maintaining the constant energy supply to the engine. Now do you think we can really call it a “Little Box”?

How can I detect if the battery needs a change?

  1. Sluggish Engine Crank:
    While attempting to start your car, the cranking of car engine is slow and it takes more time than usual to start.
  2. Engine Check Light:
    The engine check light often appears if the power of your battery is weak.
  3. Low Battery Fluid Level:
    Typically the car batteries have a translucent casing so that you can always see the fluid level of your battery. If the level of the fluid is lower than the lead plates, it’s time that you take your car or the battery to the car service station to have the battery and charging system tested.
  4. The Battery is Bloating & Swelling:
    Often due to excessive heat the case of your battery might bloat and swell. It is quite detrimental for the overall health of your battery. The lifespan of the battery decreases immensely and you need go for battery replacement.
  5. Battery Leakage:
    Leakage also causes damage around the poles : (+ and – cable connections are placed. )The moss which is caused due to the leakage corrosion needs to be removed or else the car wouldn’t start.

Apart from these, right at the onset you can check the barcode given on the front or back of your battery. The barcode gives you the detail information about the battery as in in which year it was manufactured, when it was shipped. The additional digits give you the information where it was made. On average a car battery lasts for four to five years. You also need to keep a watch if your shows sign of weak battery. If the battery has swollen, then the smell of a rotten egg might emit. Keep a close monitoring after three years as if you can detect early symptoms of problems due to battery, it would not only allow you to avoid glitches but also safeguard your major expenses.

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