Know All About Regassing Your Car Air Con

How many times have you hopped into your car to realise that your air conditioner is blowing out hot air as opposed to cold? Or, that the temperature outside is cooler than your car’s insides even with the air con cranked up to maximum. This is probably because your air con needs to be serviced. The Australian climate requires a functioning air conditioner to beat the heat. You should duly re-gas and service the cooling unit of your car to enjoy those smooth sailing summer drives. A comprehensive air conditioning service for your car will go a long away in creating the kind of comfort you deserve.


Here are some basic things you need to know about re-gassing your car’s air con

Why is re-gassing important?

It will fix leak issues, inconsistent cooling and any bad smell emanating from bacterial growth on the evaporator. Car air conditioners use a lot of plastic for the build, which gets corroded over time. Also, your air con collects dust and debris from intense usage on the road. These factors result in the loss of refrigerant gas, which ultimately affects the performance of the air con. Re-gassing will ensure you have a smooth sailing car cooling unit. Irresponsible transmission of gases harms the ozone layer. Hence, getting rid of old refrigerant gas is also good for the environment.

When should you go in for a re-gas?

Re-gassing your car’s air conditioning is as important as getting your car serviced at healthy intervals. It is recommended that you get it done at least every two years. Ideally, it should be an annual exercise for a better functioning car. More often than not, an air con leak cannot be detected with the naked eye; yet, a leak is dangerous enough to cause serious harm to your vehicle. To avoid extra expenditure on heavy damage, it is best to re-gas regularly without waiting for something to go wrong.

DIY vs. Professionals

There are plenty of Do-it-yourself re-gassing kits available for purchase online. However, this task involves handling potentially dangerous chemicals and gases. It is always advisable to go in for professional services.  A DIY kit might come across as the easy option, but the smallest mishap can prove fatal for your car’s safety. In case of an electric car, a kit might end up costing you more on the electric charge as opposed to a quick trip to the mechanic.

Red Flags to lookout for when it comes to car air-con

If not re-gassed regularly, your air con can give out a distinctly unpleasant smell that might go out after a few minutes of starting the car. This is one of the most common telltale signs that your machine needs a re-gas. The odour in your car is the result of fungi and bacterial growth inside the air con due to moisture and bacterial particles in the air. Even if it goes away after a while, the smell is harmful when inhaled causing nausea, headaches and allergies.

It is essential that your loved vehicle is properly taken care of, especially when you need to take long rides in the scorching heat. You need to re-gas your car air con from time to time. If you live in Brisbane, just drive over to your chosen car service and get it done within an hour. Consider it an important preventive measure that will keep you comfortable and safe.




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